Tuesday, March 27, 2012


By: Jessica Bibiana Liberato R.

At the moment of thinking about a metaphor to stand for what a teacher is, the first image that came to my mind was a shepherd.

A “good” or “great” shepherd takes care of his sheep, he loves them, he projects them and he tries to give them everything. Similarly, a teacher must be concerned for his/her students, he should be the one who strives and does his best, not for his own glory but because of his deep affection towards his beloved students, his job and what ultimately becomes his life.

A bad shepherd or teacher does not look after those who need him because that person is only looking for money. It does not mind if the wolf comes and devours them all, or if they are going through a difficult situation that might hurt them.

Being any of both, a teacher or a shepherd requires love, patience, tenderness, friendship, kindness, altruism, benevolence, tolerance, compassion about others, since the way we give is the way we receive.

A teacher is a model to follow; he guides with his teachings, he empowers his students to try their best to learn, he encourages them to keep on and provides them with the best tools to succeed. Similarly, a good shepherd is the guide for the sheep; he takes his sheep to a secure place, he feeds them, keeps a vigilant eye on them for any danger and helps them grow healthfully.


By: Jessica Bibiana Liberato R.

After I watched the movie called Freedom Writers, I began asking myself the extent to which the role of the teachers in the classroom is and how accountable we are for making our students become and feel someone important. It was a very inspiring movie and it shows us that the only boundaries impossible to pass are the ones we establish. Sometimes, our own conceptions and beliefs make us think we cannot do anything better for our students and just continue reproducing the same old traditions that are now old-fashioned.

What I enjoyed the most about the movie was the way in which the teacher looked for ways to face a difficult situation that the students had at school. I believe that most of us have to deal with difficult situations in both our lives and our schools but in the latter, some people just keep distance and never worry about how students might feel and what they would do as a consequence of their desperation. In my point of view, the teacher shown in the movie is an example to follow and although our reality is a little different to the one displayed in the film, our challenge must always be to transform our students’ reality and environment and always look for their welfare.

What I think we must learn from this movie is that should never give up and just let things happen without any intervention from our part when we know it definitely involves our attention and care. Many people use a mask to cover all their fears and bad experiences because they do not want to repeat what they had already lived. However, it does not affect the person who wears it but also the others around and that is a selfish thing to do. Teachers must heed the call to be examples to follow and if we actually search for the best for our students, we should also give them the best when teaching, sharing time with them and being part of their lives.

Being a teacher can be similar to assuming a role of showing a topic for students to repeat but being a good teacher goes beyond because not only the cognitive processes are important but also our students’ feeling, emotions, likes, social worlds, experiences; then, the challenge for us has to do with the way in which we interact with what they know and have lived as a way of motivating them and help them become good people for our society.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Before we were born we knew our mission, but once here on earth it is our duty to find a way to fulfill our mission.


Butterfly has several changes in its body and each one is to improve.

1. AS AN EGG: is where this animal began his training to become a butterfly and knows what his mission is and for this reason only a few emerge.
Many people start to study B.A in English but only few follow this profession (few emerge). As a normal person I decided to follow the teaching profession.

2. AS A CATERPILLAR:  is where this animal is dislodged by land, living and experiencing their environment. During this phase they emerge from their skin 5 times and each change makes them stronger and smarter.
This is where I am moving by land all the time to see, observe and feel the experience becoming a teacher.
At this time I gather all the knowledge such as pedagogical, linguistic and practical as a teacher, and every time I learn something new I change and improve (changing my skin).

3. IN THE BUD: is where the metamorphosis takes place, and create his wings to fly in a future, showing new face to take flight as a butterfly.
In this cycle began a process of reflection where I think the things that I can be or things that may arise in the course of my life as a teacher. And this is the time where I create my wings (general knowledge) and completing my new attitude, not as a caterpillar (student), as a butterfly (teacher).

4. AS A BUTTERFLY: takes flight and begins to pollinate where it goes on the road is facing major winter storms, low temperatures, predation and depletion of its body, but he could not forget his mission because it is pollinating everything in their path and finally giving his life for a new one.
As a butterfly once I open my wings and start to feel my commitment with society and the world, and that is where I take flight and start to make my way. but this road is not easy, because I can face major winter storms (problems), high and low temperatures (different environments in class), predation (people who do not want to help the society and the world) and the exhaustion of my body, (will come a time where my body is exhausted from work but it does not matter, because I am willing to give my life only to improve the world.)

Each butterfly is on the road sharing, pollinating everything in its path trees, plants, flowers (children, adults, old people, etc.) and each time it passes it gives its knowledge to improve the environment as a demonstration of life.
During this trip I will meet with other butterfly (other teachers) and travel together to learn from one another so I learn from mistakes and share my experience with others.
