Tuesday, March 27, 2012


By: Jessica Bibiana Liberato R.

At the moment of thinking about a metaphor to stand for what a teacher is, the first image that came to my mind was a shepherd.

A “good” or “great” shepherd takes care of his sheep, he loves them, he projects them and he tries to give them everything. Similarly, a teacher must be concerned for his/her students, he should be the one who strives and does his best, not for his own glory but because of his deep affection towards his beloved students, his job and what ultimately becomes his life.

A bad shepherd or teacher does not look after those who need him because that person is only looking for money. It does not mind if the wolf comes and devours them all, or if they are going through a difficult situation that might hurt them.

Being any of both, a teacher or a shepherd requires love, patience, tenderness, friendship, kindness, altruism, benevolence, tolerance, compassion about others, since the way we give is the way we receive.

A teacher is a model to follow; he guides with his teachings, he empowers his students to try their best to learn, he encourages them to keep on and provides them with the best tools to succeed. Similarly, a good shepherd is the guide for the sheep; he takes his sheep to a secure place, he feeds them, keeps a vigilant eye on them for any danger and helps them grow healthfully.

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